Janice Brant - Lateral Kindness

Lateral Kindness 14x11.jpeg
Lateral Kindness 14x11.jpeg

Janice Brant - Lateral Kindness


14 x 11 in

Acrylic on canvas

Unveiled in observance of National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, September 30, 2023.

“Lateral Kindness is about healing and caring for one another in the face of pain from the effects of the Indian Residential and Indian Day Schools. It is a commemoration to Truth and Reconciliation and “right relations” in Canada that return lands to First Nations’ protection and advance opportunities to re-quicken and celebrate our identity, language and culture. 

Mother and child share a sacred connection in this acrylic painting on wood. First Nations peoples had their children stolen from their homes and communities. It disrupted their language and intergeneration learning.” - Janice Brant

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